Watch Fish Play Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Watch Fish Play Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

In case you didn’t realize, we’ve entered an age of unprecedented technological advancement. Projects that could hardly even be conceived until recently are taking place all around us, cataloged on the web for everyone to see. And among the vast array of tech the average user can now get their hands on, quite a few quirky and entertaining projects have popped up. One such project is an effort to get a group of fish to play Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. 

You read that correctly – a group of fish are currently slated to someday beat Pokemon Scarlet for the Nintendo Switch. The same group of fish that recently committed credit card fraud.

You can now log onto Youtube anytime and see a group of beta fish working together to beat the latest installment in the Pokemon franchise. 1300+ hours and counting, this group has already managed to beat 2 gym leaders on what essentially boils down to pure luck.

Every 12 hours, one or two fish are rotated into a small tank with controller inputs written on a sheet of paper behind it. A camera faces the tank that livestreams the fish’s movements and uses video logging tech to register their movements into controller commands that are automatically pressed in-game. 

The producer behind this strange feat is called Mutekimaru, a Youtube channel that seeks to immortalize the pets of the pages owner while simultaneously creating a never-ending stream of video game playthrough content (focused for now on Pokemon series). 

So far the group has pulled off some pretty amazing feats (for a group of fish, anyways). They have already beat multiple Pokemon games, including one of the longest games: Pokemon Silver – which took a whopping 3200 hours!

Can’t wait to see what these fish will do in their playthrough of Pokemon SV. And I especially can’t wait to see what other interesting projects the internet will come up with next besides making fish play pokemon!

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